




There’s still so much to discover about the benefits of mushrooms in cosmetics. No matter how many fascinating facts studies may unveil, these organisms will somehow always remain an enchanted mystery.

What are mushrooms?

Did you know that mushrooms are not plants? This might not come as a surprise for everyone but still, what a fun fact. Mushrooms are actually the ‘fruiting body’ and reproductive part of a living organism called fungus. Fungus is an underground web of tiny hair-like threads that are almost not visible to the human eye. Mushrooms grow from this web and, except for a few varieties, pop out of the ground and disperse trillions of spores in the air. A new fungus can grow from each spore if the right living conditions are met.

The web that fungi create in the soil is called a ‘mycelium’ and is essential to the well-being of the natural world. Among other skills, the mycelium breaks down decaying organic materials and makes their nutrients available again for every surrounding plant.

What are the benefits of mushrooms on the skin?

The often brown, beige, or white colours of mushrooms don’t scream vitamins, and yet! Mushrooms trick us again. Of course, it depends on the species, but some mushrooms burst with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and even enzymes—all good things for the skin. This is especially true of varieties native to Asia, like the shiitake mushroom or the snow fungus, which have been used in folk medicine for centuries. 

You may also have heard about mushrooms' adaptogenic properties. The term ‘adaptogen’ describes plants and mushrooms that help the body adapt to internal or external stress. This happens through the action of different active components when the adaptogen is ingested. Lion’s mane, cordyceps, and lingzhi mushrooms are the most frequently cited, but some think that all mushrooms could fit that box. Research on this adaptogenic effect when applied topically is scarce, but it seems that it could also make the skin more resilient.

Finally, mushrooms have qualities that may not interest everyone but are important for us at Lush:  

  • Some have a strong humus and mouldy scent that recalls autumn walks and humid forests.
  • Some have a fantastic texture that can contribute to the general feel of a product.
  • And we can’t help but think they’re a bit magical.

A certain aura

It’s very interesting to see that mushrooms have fascinated people all over the world for as long as we know. In folklore, they are always linked to life and death, spirituality, and paths to other worlds themes.

Many things can explain this, and we can only name a few. For example, the fact that they grow overnight has often been perceived as magical. The shapes they create as they grow can attract attention, like circles which are attributed to the fairy realm in some European countries. The fact that edible and deadly mushrooms sometimes appear to be almost identical feeds a sense of fear and nourishes myths. The medicinal properties of certain species led Asian cultures to believe that they were the secret to eternal life or at least longevity. And, of course, the psychoactive nature of some, used in shamanic rituals, has contributed tremendously to their mystical and psychedelic reputation.

Want to know more about Lush and mushrooms? Have a look at these pages, from current and past product ranges:

Shiitake mushrooms

Portobello mushrooms

Pioppino mushrooms

White (or snow) fungus

Homepage - Mushroom