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Big Foot Goes Camping Lokta Wrap

Emballage cadeau

Handmade Lokta paper, 35cm x 35cm wrapping

Big Foot Goes Camping. A square knot wrap with a blue and red border depicting 11 different Bigfoot scenes from yoga to fishing.
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2,50 €

Even the toughest of creatures (Yes, even dads) need a little self-care day, whether that's in the form of a solo camping trip or something else entirely! This 35cm Lokta paper, a reusable alternative to traditional gift wrapping! Big Foot Goes Camping is large enough to contain a 100g Lush pot or bottle, or one standard-sized bath bomb. The wrap is made from regenerative Lokta plant bark in Nepal, and is produced as part of a papermaking unit that creates employment for marginalised women in the area.



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